Get Involved

Photo by Jimmy Conover on Unsplash

We need your help to make some noise!

This campaign expects to make interventions with various governments and government agencies through letters, briefs, and meetings. We will reach out to others to help ban gambling ads.

This page shows the current actions you can take, and provides suggestions for other actions people may wish to take on their own. We’ll need a ton of support to get this done, so help us get the word out!

Letters sent by the campaign may be found on the Resources page.

Contact the government

Below is a pre-formatted letter (which you can amend, if you wish) that you can send to your Member of Parliament.

Dear Member,

Bill S-269, An Act respecting a national framework on Advertising for Sports Betting, was introduced into the Senate on June 20. The bill would require the federal government to develop a framework that would identify measures to regulate and restrict the use of advertising for single-event sports betting. It would also set national standards for the prevention and diagnosis of problem gambling.

As your constituent, I strongly support this bill and urge you to do the same. I ask that you contact other members of your party’s caucus to indicate your support and urge them to agree that this bill or a comparable bill should be quickly introduced in the House of Commons when it reconvenes in the Fall so that it is quickly passed.

I agree with the Campaign to Ban Ads for Gambling  ( ) that legislation should be passed to ban ads for gambling, just as ads for tobacco and cannabis have been prohibited by federal legislation. This bill is a first step to securing such legislation.

Please let me know whether you support this bill and what you plan to do to see it implemented.

Thank you

Name, Email,  Postal code